About 旅途的起點

About Roaming Wanderlands - Header
Sunset, the end is the beginning - Jeju Island, May 2016

From Jurong Island to Jeju Island: My journey begins

In a typical hot & humid afternoon (well, you know what they say about the weather in Malaysia: there are 4 seasons in a year - summer, summer, summer, and SUMMER!), I finally managed to drag my lazy self to start writing a travel blog, which was one of my to-do list item, when decision was made to quit my 'lifeless' day job in a company on the reclaimed industrial island of Singapore.

Back then, my plan was to take a short break from the tiring (and boring, of course) daily routine, travel to new places & share my travel experience by blogging. Few months on, take a short break -  Check (it has been quite a long one though); globetrotting - Check (been to some of the fascinating countries & regions on this planet); starting a blog, hmmm... So while I'm still trying to figure out my upcoming journey, let's do a recap on my adventures so far!

Here. We. Go...




About Roaming Wanderlands - Map

我的旅行足跡 My Travel Map
2016/07 - Vietnam 越南
2016/10 - Japan 日本
2016/12~2017/01 - Taiwan 台灣

2017/03~04 - Manchester 曼徹斯特、London 倫敦、Paris 巴黎、Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹、Venice 威尼斯
2017/08 - Australia 澳洲
2017/08~09 - Cebu 宿霧

Sky's The Limit - Australia 2017

2018/01 - Sri Lanka 斯里蘭卡
2018/06~07 - Russia 俄羅斯、Siberia 西伯利亞、Mongolia 蒙古、Beijing 北京

2019/03~04 - Egypt 埃及、Lebanon 黎巴嫩、Istanbul 伊斯坦堡
2019/10~11 - Mexico 墨西哥、Cuba 古巴

Face to face with The Sphinx - Egypt 2019

媒體訪問 Media Interview

10/01/2020 CITYPlus FM [我們旅行中]
➡️ 古巴,被時間凝固的國家

Roaming Wanderlands - Radio Interview

合作夥伴 Collaboration

➡️ 迷.路Miilook  駐站部落客

台灣背包客棧推薦好文 backpackers.com.tw recommended

➡️ 飛吧!澳翔天際 - 2017 高空跳傘全記錄 (Skydive @ Australia: The Untold Story)
➡️ 俄羅斯,莫斯科:冷傲面孔背後的真性情 / 從沙皇到蘇聯時代的歷史痕跡 Moscow Day 3
➡️ 俄羅斯漫遊記:[伏爾加格勒] 扭轉二戰局勢的歷史重鎮 From Stalingrad to Volgograd

更多旅遊分享 More Travel Stories

Find out more about my travel stories on the following sites and social media

Instagram ➡️ @roamingwanderlands
Twitter ➡️ @rwanderlands  

Lake Baikal - Siberia Spring, 2018

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