Monday 26 November 2018

《10,000公里的軌跡》Part I -- "萬里之行,始於軌上" | 俄羅斯國鐵、西伯利亞鐵路

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記



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Route No.1                          
莫斯科 → 伏爾加格勒
(Moscow → Volgograd)

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

以俄羅斯首都為起點,從 Paveletsky 車站出發南下到伏爾加格勒(Volgograd)。俄鐵(Russian Railways)初體驗,二等(2nd class)車廂、臥鋪及設施規格比我想像中的好。



服務員只會說俄語,幸好跟我同廂的男乘客主動為我翻譯。該男乘客名叫 Alex,在跨國公司上班,因此學得一口流利英語,這次帶他十歲兒子專程從莫斯科前往伏爾加格勒看球賽。

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

當服務員把我的晚餐送上時,Alex 拿出自帶的食物然後對我說:“Come join us!”,邀請我共進晚餐。我們在小小的餐桌上交談甚歡,Alex 還不斷把他們的食物分給我。。。



Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Alex 說國內的孩子在校園有學英文,叫我跟他兒子“切磋”以英語對話。哈!慚愧自己的文水平半桶水不到,但念在剛才的一“瓜”之恩,well alright... 只好恭敬不如從命了

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

設計精緻的金屬杯夾(上圖)名為 podstakannik,源自18世紀的國內品茶文化。因其實用性:穩固杯子和避免直接觸摸熱水杯,後來在火車上被廣泛使用至今。

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Alex 在其中一站休息時,買了支冰淇淋請我吃。這時我把在火車上受到熱情招待的經歷私訊“匯報”給在家鄉的一位朋友,他的回復是問我為何隨便接受陌生人的東西,不怕他們另有企圖嗎?



Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記


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Route No.2                          
伏爾加格勒 → 莫斯科
(Volgograd → Moscow)


Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記
伏爾加格勒車站(Volgograd - 1 Train Station)

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

據聞沒坐過三等艙(3rd class)就等於沒真正搭過俄羅斯火車,所以選了這段路程來體驗一下。

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記



這時和那位男子剛好對到眼,我冒昧問了一句:“Sorry,what she said just now...?"


男子名叫 Kyril,兩位女士很巧都名叫 Yelena,他們皆是看完球賽后返回莫斯科。

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

和上一班車遇到的 Alex 一樣,Kyril 不斷拿食物款待我們,好像一副深怕我們吃不飽的樣子。。。


和上次的 Alex 一樣,飯後 Kyril 提議我跟他十來歲的兒子“較量”,這次不是比語文,而是我更加外行的西洋棋!結果直落幾局都完敗給他兒子。。。(糗)

Kyril 像個不能靜下來的大男孩(難道是認識了新朋友特別興奮?),總要想些點子來消磨在火車上的時光。他突然心血來潮,揪我和兩位 Yelena 到餐廳小酌。

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記


對酒當歌,人生幾何?我們沒有錯過“參與其盛”,而且 Kyril 看來比誰都還要興奮!

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記
與 Kyril(右)、兩位 Yelena,還有一班熱情球迷相見歡。

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

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Route No.3                            
莫斯科 → 聖彼得堡
(Moscow → St. Petersburg)

從伏城出發的列車,翌日早上抵達莫斯科 Paveletsky 站。和 Kyril、Yelena 道別後,直接乘地鐵到 Leningradsky 車站(又名 Moskva Oktiabrskaia, 開往北方的列車都從這一站發車)。

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記
Leningradsky 車站

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記
Sapsan 高鐵列車

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記
搭 Sapsan (сапсан)高鐵北上,比普通列車省超過一半的時間,半天便能到達聖彼得堡。

Route No.4                                       
聖彼得堡 → 葉卡捷琳堡
(St. Petersburg → Yekaterinburg)

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

在美麗的聖彼得堡(Saint Petersburg)逗留了5-6天,然後開始踏上西伯利亞鐵路(Trans-Siberian Railway)的征途。原本莫斯科是西伯利亞鐵路的起點,但訂票時發現有從聖彼得堡Ladozh 車站開往葉卡捷琳堡(Yekaterinburg)的班車,因此省去在首都轉車的麻煩。

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記


Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記
Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記

Trans Siberian Railway itinerary 西伯利亞鐵路遊記
經過35個小時的車程,抵達葉卡捷琳堡車站(Ekaterinburg Passajirs)。當地時間比聖彼得堡快2小時,須稍微調整時差。

To be continued...

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  1. Thank you for your sharing.
    It's so brilliant.
    I would like to go to Russia through the way of the tour group.
    Although I know that self-help travel is more interesting.
    That's because I am a single lady, I heard that speaking English in Russia is not very useful.
    Some articles said that the Russians are not friendly to foreigners, is this true?
    If you are willing to answer me about those questions.
    Would you kindly give me some suggestions or ideas?
    Sorry,I don't have a Google email account.

    1. Hi Sochinyo,
      Russia is safe for single lady to travel. Just be cautious and alert like you do in any other countries is good enough. I got to know one HK girl who traveled alone in Russia and on Trans Siberian Train, she had no problem too!

      Not many Russians speak English, but Google Translate app is very useful. (You may refer to my blog about how I manage to communicate with the locals in Moscow, 莫斯科遊記 Ep2)

      The local people I met were all very friendly and helpful! I made some friends there, haha.

      Feel free to ask me if you have more questions.

  2. I’m very happy to have your messages.
    It's so kind of you. Thank you so much.
    I am learning English now, so I take the chance to write to you in English.
    Sorry for my poor English and maybe so many mistakes.
    I have been to Japan (4)/ South Korea (4) /Hong Kong/ Macau /Malaysia Penang Langkawi/Singapore/ Beijing Tianjin Chengde Shandong/ and the United Kingdom (2).
    I have booked a group tour to Harbin in March next year. I will take it as a preparation for going to Russia.
    But almost all of them are business trips with a group of colleagues.
    In other words, I don’t have an experience about go abroad alone. When it comes to backpacker travel and self- help traveling. I am not even a rookie.
    I want to try self-help travel, but a bit worried.
    The questions I would like to know are as follows:
    1. I use the Booking platform to make reservations in Taiwan. If I use the reservation in Russia, do I need to pay attention to anything?
    2. Is it safe for a lady to live in a Russian youth hostel? or do you suggest that I should live in a general hotel?
    3. Russians seem to like meat meal. But I don't eat meat at all (pig, chicken, sheep, ducks and ducks).I prefer to eat noodles, fried rice, egg,seafood and vegetables. I don't know if it will be a big problem to me? If I may enjoy meal at the restaurant, that's great. Even if only street food, that's fine.
    4. If there is a chance once again, will you wanna go to other attractions of Russia?

    1. Your English is good and I understood you very well.
      Here are the answers to your questions (I tried my best, haha...)

      1. Do you mean the website? Yes, I used it to book all my hostels in Russia. Pay attention to the hostel's review and rating by other customers(其他住客的評語), maybe you should avoid those which say:" location difficult to find" etc...

      2. I can't guarantee it's 100% safe. But I stayed in youth hostels the whole trip, and saw a lot of female travellers staying there too. So for me it is safe. Take some time to read about the hostel's review and rating when you book. Whether to stay in hostel or hotel is depend on your preference and budget, staying in hostel will need to share room and facilities with others.

      3. Yes, there are wide variety of dishes other than meat in Russian restaurants, or you may go to the local cafes where you can choose & mix different dishes with rice, noodles & soup.

      4. I have missed out Kazan during my previous trip, people said it is a must-visit beautiful city, with unique locals and culture. If there's a chance, I would definitely wanna go to Kazan. For first time visitor like you, please don't miss St. Petersburg, it is rated as the most beautiful city in the world by alot of travellers, no joking!

      Also, if you travel self-help, I recommend you follow the free walking city tour in Moscow & St. P (I mentioned it & the link is in my Moscow blog), then you can learn more about the city and you might ask the tour guide about where are the good places to eat. Anyway, this is just my suggestion.

  3. Hi, Cheng Hing Goh
    I appreciate what you have done for me.
    I hope that I didn’t bother you too much.
    It took you so much time to type it, so that I could know so much information and might get there one day.
    It is really useful and helpful.
    I am afraid of causing trouble to you. If I have asked something strange before, please never mind it and ignore it would be ok.
    Just wanna reply something to the messages you sent last time.
    1. Yes, I am a membership of booking website. Thanks for your suggestions.
    I will pay attention to the key point about what you said.
    2.There is no doubt, I am an adult who needs to be responsible for myself.
    I asked you about the safety situation in Russia not because hope someone give me guarantee.
    So please no need to worry about your advice or sharing.
    3. I am very glad that you told me what attractions is your pity (Kazan).
    Hope that you would never miss any beautiful things and memories.
    It is time for me to go to bed.
    Looking forward to your sharing more and more.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Off to bed

  4. Hi Sochinyo,
    I'm happy to help, no worry.
    Please feel free to drop a message to my blog anytime, or you may DM me on my FB page Roaming Wanderlands if you have more questions about travelling self-help.
    Thank you for being supportive on my articles. Have a great weekend!
